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Cultivating Gratefulness

November 26th, 2022

As we strive to think and live well, there are several postures we can assume. There are moments when pride is appropriate, like having pride in a job well done after success on an exam, in a game, or while leading a service project. Sometimes our posture is speaking and sharing our voice, while other times it is listening intently to others. Our posture can take a negative turn in the form of arrogance, bitterness, or impatience—the things that make less of us.

At Pacifica, we seek to create a daily posture of gratefulness and thanksgiving. Thanksgiving sounds great. However, it can be very difficult. If you are like me, you have a tendency to complain, to focus on what isn’t over what is. My day could be 95% incredible, and if I am not careful, I might complain about the 5% that didn’t go according to plan. Too much inappropriate attention on things not going well weighs us down and reduces the quality of our lives. We are natural complainers in a long line of them. Moses led the Israelites out of slavery and into the desert. God provided daily for their every need. It wasn’t long before they began to grumble and wished to return to captivity. We can be the same way.

Of course, we need to deal with difficulty, acknowledge problems, and not bury our heads in the sand. Problems need to be dealt with head on. However, let’s put the negative things in their proper place, not give them undue attention. A grateful heart takes work and intention.

As we head into Thanksgiving, let’s cultivate and model a grateful heart. Let us remember the source of our gratefulness. Gratefulness puts us in a position to flourish, brings life to friendships, and is attractive to others.

Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving Day Proclamation Washington, D.C. October 3, 1863

Posted in the category Pacifica Values.