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Faith, Courage, and Hope at Thanksgiving

November 8th, 2023

Read about Head of School Jim Knight’s reflection on humility as we approach Thanksgiving.

Each year during Thanksgiving, I reflect on Arnold Friberg’s painting of George Washington at Valley Forge in 1778. It is a powerful portrayal of values that are part of the Pacifica ethos and what it means to think and live well. As I see Washington kneel, a posture of submission and humility reminiscent of Rembrandt's masterpiece, the Prodigal Son,  a visceral reaction is evoked in me. In a culture of independence and self-creation, this posture is rare. Here, Washington humbly looks to God as a source of strength, wisdom, and hope. He is exercising faith and courage.

Our theme of the year, Looking Up, is rooted in Psalm 121:1-2 "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” This sentiment mirrors Washington's posture in the painting as he knelt in the snow-covered woods, gazing upward in prayer. It is a profound reminder that true strength and wisdom come from acknowledging and seeking guidance from God. We want our students to practice humility and to allow God to shape and mold their lives.

The harsh winter at Valley Forge was a period of immense suffering for Washington’s troops. Friberg’s depiction highlights the tremendous sacrifices made by both the soldiers and their leader. The symbolism of the snow-covered, bleak environment serves as a stark backdrop for the human spirit of the American Revolution. 

One of the most striking aspects of the painting is the radiant light breaking through the trees, casting a warm glow on Washington. This light symbolizes hope, the idea that even in the darkest moments, God’s light guides our way and that there is a sense of optimism. 

As we approach Thanksgiving, the painting reminds me that as we pursue God, we are practicing humility, exercising faith, developing courage, and crafting a hopeful vision for the future. These are the ideals that we see, through God’s blessing, taking root in our students. I am continually thankful to be part of a school and community that prioritizes our faith in God as we seek a flourishing life of meaning, purpose, and virtue.

By Jim Knight, Head of School

Posted in the category Pacifica Values.