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Remembering September 11, 2001

September 10th, 2023

The events of September 11, 2001, remain in our collective memory as a day of profound loss, suffering, and unwavering heroism. On that day, a series of devastating attacks on American soil claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 innocent people. New York City, Washington D.C., and a field in rural Pennsylvania were set ablaze as hijacked commercial flights were used as weapons of war. It was a day that shook the foundations of our nation, testing our resilience and commitment to the values that define us.

As we remember the lost, we honor their memory by cherishing the ideals of freedom, liberty, and democracy. E pluribus unam, from many one, marks America’s commitment to a common vision integrating the rich tapestry of our people. The victims of 9/11 were mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands, and wives with vibrant and meaningful lives. Their tragic loss serves as a reminder of our shared humanity. In the face of tragedy, we came together as a nation, standing up for what is good, true, and beautiful.

The heroes of 9/11, from the brave firefighters, passengers of United Flight 93, and first responders who rushed into burning buildings to ordinary citizens who selflessly helped their fellow Americans, exemplify the strength of our national character. Their courage and sacrifice embody the American spirit, showing that even in the darkest hours, we can rise above adversity. 

Today, as we reflect on 9/11, we must recommit ourselves to the values of unity, freedom, and compassion. We must honor the memory of the lost by upholding the principles that make America a beacon of hope and freedom. In doing so, we ensure that the heroes of that day did not sacrifice in vain and that the spirit of 9/11 lives on in the heart of our nation.

Posted in the category Pacifica Values.