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Pacifica’s First Week Back

August 22nd, 2023

Seawolves are back on campus and we could not be more thrilled for the start of the school year. Last week was a whirlwind of excitement, activity, and nerves as we welcomed new and returning faces to school. Read on to find out all that went down to kick off our 2023-2024 school year!

Before the Big Day

School didn’t start until Wednesday, but campus was already buzzing with activity starting Monday as preparations for the year began. Freshman and transfer students attended New Student Orientation to settle themselves, get a feel for campus, and learn about all things Pacifica. In addition to meeting new friends and their Pacifica mentors, they attended workshops to fill them in on the student handbook, etiquette, and dress code as well as Pacifica athletics, arts, mental health resources, and school culture. They ended orientation by writing letters to their future selves, which will be returned to them at their Senior Dinner in 2027 for freshmen!

Tuesday everyone got photo-ready and came to school for picture day. Senior Seawolves donned their silliest attire for their unique school photos—including twin outfits, Batman glasses, and more. New students arrived last to have their pictures taken before the start of our annual Dedication Service. ​​​​​​

Pacifica’s Dedication Service always takes place the evening before the first day of a new school year, in order to welcome in our new Seawolves and bless them as they begin their journey at Pacifica. Staff, faculty, and new students are led in by bagpipe, and students take their seat at the front of the chapel. Our Head of School Jim Knight, Associate Heads of School Wally Hirsch and Rachael Nyabadza, and our new Principal Erick Streelman cast visions for the potential growth and formation that these students will experience while at Pacifica. The service concluded with a rendition of Pacifica’s Alma Mater while students dropped off their letters to their future selves and exited the chapel.

First Day Jitters

Wednesday morning, students put on their uniforms, strapped on their backpacks, and arrived at school for their first class of the year. Amidst meeting new teachers and remembering where to locate their lockers, an air of joy filled campus as peers reunited and learning resumed. Our first All School Chapel took place before lunch on the first day, where Pastor Trevor DeBenning gave an introduction to chapel– a space for our students to explore their faith and ask the difficult, but essential life questions. During this time, our Heads of School and Principal went over expectations for the year, including our emphasis on school spirit and desire to maintain high standards as an academic institution. 

It was the first day of school for teachers, too! Pilgrim Lutheran volunteers graciously provided lunch for faculty and staff to celebrate the start of another school year. New faculty members fell into step on campus, and returning teachers settled back in for another year of instruction.

That First Friday Feeling

The first week of school at Pacifica always ends with our annual student event Movies, Munchies, and Madness—commonly known as MMM. This on-campus evening event creates excitement for the year and ushers the new students into Pacifica’s community. Along with bounce houses, pizza, snacks, and a movie at the end of the night, students engage in a friendly water fight! Water balloons, buckets, hoses, and water from any source are accessed to dump on their friends, classmates, and staff members. After toweling off, everyone headed into the gym to watch this year’s movie pick, Megamind.

While students were running around campus dripping wet, parents were down the street at Bodega Wine Bar for the annual Pacifica Parent Party, or PPP! This is just one of many events throughout the year for parents to connect with each other, and extend the Pacifica community beyond their students. 

If the first week of school was any indication, we can’t wait to see what this year has in store for the Seawolves. Welcome back!

Posted in the category Pacifica Life.